BBQ meal included
Main menu: Fresh fish, grilled chicken, pork chops, pasta with red sauce. Appetizers: Greek salad, shrimp saganaki, roasted vegetables, stuffed vine leaves. Vegetarian meal included.
Free pickup & drop-off
You will be picked up from your stay or the nearest accessible point, by minibus.
Free cancellation
Up to 100% refund according to the cancellation policy.
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The Grand Canyon is a 277-mile-long canyon in Arizona carved by the Colorado River. It's 6,000 feet deep at its deepest point, 18 miles wide, and averages 4,000 feet deep throughout.
The Grand Canyon is known for its exposed
geologic strata, which include Vishnu schist, Kaibab limestone, gneiss, and schist. The strata rise over a mile above the river and represent one of the world's most complete records of geological history. The geologic formations
at the bottom of the canyon date back 1,800 million years. The Grand Canyon is considered one of the world's natural wonders. It's also known for its fantastic shapes and colors, with imposing peaks, canyons, and ravines within
the canyon walls.
The canyon's floor has a diverse landscape, including desert areas that can reach 120°F and forests where temperatures can drop to -20°F
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